Raping and pimping out their children is commonplace in many elite families. I saw this endlessly through my healing work, and the entire family always protected the perps. Women were equally involved as the men. This is the greatest currency of the elite.
Accompanying this is satanism and witchcraft - which is the steam our country is run on through the central banks, the show pony politicians, and Hollywood.
Every day, you must put on the full armor of God to protect yourself from the entities that seek to destroy you and feed off of your children.
Become a premium subscriber to watch episode one of The Healing Elaine® Show here at healingelaine.locals.com.
I learned a lot from the first episode which was shot in February 2021 - there are plenty of production and audio issues, etc...however nothing is more important than content! I will get better at this process and I am also looking for show sponsors. I have dozens of guests (my former patients and clients) lined up for future episodes, and I am covering topics and concepts no one else is touching.
Things are coming along.
first, WELCOME! and an update for new members: if you can, please use your real name for transparency. if you are concerned about your privacy and safety (something I can relate to!), use a pseudonym. I do go through and vet each member anyhow, because I intend to keep this platform "clean"; however, I can not vouch for each person who posts here and what their overall wellness or stability actually is. the internet (and life!) is forever tricky. with that said, if you are a new member, please announce/introduce yourself and say why you are here. in order to do that, you will have to support/premium subscribe -- support/premium subscription (which goes up incrementally as time goes by, and new members are grandfathered in at the new monthly fee) allows you to engage and watch my exclusive videos that I don't share on any other tech / big tech / censored platform. I also own © all of my content here. in addition, most of my content here is set to premium subscription mode only. during a ...
"A latent destiny is a primary leg of our overall destiny (God’s reason for our being) but because it is the most magical it is quickly and easily the most forgotten leg. Forgetting it doesn’t mean we are going to “miss” our destiny, as that would be impossible…but experiencing and actualizing this part of our latent destiny becomes the most rare and the most blessed part of our life’s path if we are able to encounter it for a second time."
Read it here:
"God will literally take away and make you forget about your power long enough so that when he returns it you never forget the way he wants you to use it"
What do you think?