This is something I've dealt with since the beginning of my practice - mentally unstable people, flocking like moths to a flame to a person outside the confines of traditional therapy. Why? Because they think they can act poorly and get away with it.
One of the many reasons evil is connected to mental illness is, those "suffering" make conscious and deliberate choices about who to approach / attempt to hurt / lash out at. Read this article for reference:
I will be hosting a live chat for my fellow healers about how to deal with these people. The first thing I will say is, the first time they "act out" - it will not be the last. They will do it again - and again - and again - until there is nothing to take from you and they will move onto a new target. The second thing I will say is, they both covet what you do, and resent it at the same time; the language of the intangible does go hand-in-hand with schizophrenia and other mental disorders and this is what attracts them...the resentment is associated with someone who has an actual border (i.e., they aren't mentally unwell). The third thing I will say is, if they throw something at you then you must be willing to take them down. I did not have people sign any confidentiality forms until 2020 (due to our insane state of affairs and the fact that I was working remotely) unless they were in group settings with me (to protect the privacy of others). That said, I keep a paper trail of the facts and details of every case I have seen. I will not handle with care someone who seeks to hurt me because they are fighting demons. The person who first wages war against another will ALWAYS lose - be willing to destroy someone who seeks to destroy matter the guise of their intentions.
Healing is about TRUTH (sometimes harsh) - not weakness or mothering someone who didn't get what they needed in life. I've been really lucky, luckier than most I know in my space, because I've been unconditional with absolutely every person I've seen. But I will never tolerate the deliberately evil nature of a mentally unhinged not be fooled - they know what they are doing and choose who to do it with accordingly.
Finally, transference is a BITCH. If you get close enough to someone who is damaged, they will simply swap you out with their abuser - and accuse you of ALL the things that their abuser did or still does. Do not ever tolerate this. You are not a traditional psychotherapist for a reason. Most of these people would be committed, if you were.
Unrelated, I wanted to provide an update about what I now offer. I have three different platforms (including this one) for multimedia. Here, I offer live chats and occasional live streams - I also welcome requests in the newsfeed for me to cover various articles I've written. My blog is now paywalled, as people were suggesting I do as early as 8 years ago. I've given away tremendous amounts of information that doesn't exist anywhere else - because it comes directly from my life experience hence knowledge and work with 2000+ individuals. I got tired of being ripped off by people who got close to me only because they wanted to become me - under the guise of authenticity - as well as stranger hacks in the "healing" space who are not censored on the internet and show up first page with MY topics and key words. In addition, my articles are like courses - many people read them for years before working with me. They are packed with insights and how-tos which again, were decent enough to get me censored. I offer the entire 10-year library at a one-time paywall now. Then there is my substack at - this is not repeat content; I publish at least two articles a month there and they have rolled out a podcast and interactive chat function - you can subscribe monthly or annually there and I will adjust the grandfather fee over time.
Become a premium subscriber to watch episode one of The Healing Elaine® Show here at
I learned a lot from the first episode which was shot in February 2021 - there are plenty of production and audio issues, etc...however nothing is more important than content! I will get better at this process and I am also looking for show sponsors. I have dozens of guests (my former patients and clients) lined up for future episodes, and I am covering topics and concepts no one else is touching.
Things are coming along.
first, WELCOME! and an update for new members: if you can, please use your real name for transparency. if you are concerned about your privacy and safety (something I can relate to!), use a pseudonym. I do go through and vet each member anyhow, because I intend to keep this platform "clean"; however, I can not vouch for each person who posts here and what their overall wellness or stability actually is. the internet (and life!) is forever tricky. with that said, if you are a new member, please announce/introduce yourself and say why you are here. in order to do that, you will have to support/premium subscribe -- support/premium subscription (which goes up incrementally as time goes by, and new members are grandfathered in at the new monthly fee) allows you to engage and watch my exclusive videos that I don't share on any other tech / big tech / censored platform. I also own © all of my content here. in addition, most of my content here is set to premium subscription mode only. during a ...
"A latent destiny is a primary leg of our overall destiny (God’s reason for our being) but because it is the most magical it is quickly and easily the most forgotten leg. Forgetting it doesn’t mean we are going to “miss” our destiny, as that would be impossible…but experiencing and actualizing this part of our latent destiny becomes the most rare and the most blessed part of our life’s path if we are able to encounter it for a second time."
Read it here:
"God will literally take away and make you forget about your power long enough so that when he returns it you never forget the way he wants you to use it"
What do you think?